This Eazy Hold pack comes with 8 different sizes to fit infants, babies, toddlers, teens, children to adult and elderly hands or limbs. This EazyHold multipack includes the Sippy Cup / Bottle Holder which is the largest size. It includes 8 different adaptive aid straps. Made of soft stretchy silicone which warms to skin temperature and does not need to be tight on the hand to support the item. Flexible handles, ergonomic fit, easy-grip for hands to grasp and hold, flexible so it moves with ease. A non slip grip for wet hands. Provides trainer handles with soft grips that make it easy for little or big hands to hold. EaZyHold is a simple adaptive aid for children and adults with grip issues to hold writing implements, musical instruments, sports equipment, eating utensils, and toys. The first universal cuff approved for use in schools and hospitals, EazyHold's is easy to clean and can be washed at high temperatures. Super comfortable and colorful, it's a must-have in Special Education classes to enable greater independence with work, the arts, eating, and playtime. EazyHold provides that pathway for exploration and success!